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1. What does "pre-flight" mean?
A. Before going on vacation.
B. Running away from something dangerous.
C. Actions needed before heading to a job site.
D. Warming up before lifting furniture.
2. What do the number represent on the accesories tables and totes?
A. How many items are in the tote.
B. How much the tote weighs.
C. The age of the tote.
D. The room number on the floor plan.
3. What does the color of the numbered tape mean?
A. All items going into a house will be tagged in the same color.
B. The color of the exterior of the house.
C. The color the room will be painted.
D. The color of the items going into the house.
4. When packing a tote items should be
A. Placed in vertically.
B. Filled to the brim.
C. Wrapped in paper, heaviest at the bottom.
D. Checked for dust.
5. When packing a linen box
A. Put all the linens for one room in the box together.
B. Place a colored tag on the box with the room number on it.
C. Use the "bed fixin's" check list to make sure you have what you need.
D. All of the above
6. When pulling a dining table
A. Look on the back for the legs, leaves, and numbers.
B. Wrap the legs in a blanket.
C. Rub the table in oil before loading it.
D. Both "A" and "B"
7. What types of furniture should be wrapped?
A. White or lightly colored upholstered items.
B. Light weight itmes.
C. Items with drawers.
D. Items that feel the beat.
8. The rolling carts can be used to carry
A. Art
B. Totes
C. Linen boxes
D. All of the above
9. When stacking art
A. They should be face to face and back to back
B. The frames should touch but not the glass
C. Largest in the back, smallest in the front
D. All of the above.
10. Which of the following items is NOT in the TOP tool box?
A. Glue
B. Paint Brushes
C. An Iron
C. Sponges
11. Which of the following is NOT in the MIDDLE tool box
A. Two boxes of matches
B. Two tape measurers
C. Two hammers
D. Two tool belts
12. Which of the following items is NOT in the BOTTOM tool box?
A. Zip ties
B. Toilet paper
C. Two drills and a charger
D. Masking tape
13. When loading a truck, how many people are usually inside the truck at one time?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
14. When stacking art, do this order
A. Smallest, Largest, Light color, dark color.
B. Rug down, then tables, then art, blanket over the top and bungee cords.
C. Heavy first then lightest.
D. Whatever the designer says so.