Home Staging Presentations
Spade and Archer provides free, continuing education classes in person at your office or via Zoom. To schedule, just let us know here. The following presentations are currently available.
LEVEL One Learning
UNDERSTANDING BUYERS, LEVEL 1: Understanding the psychology of buyers when it most counts (60 minutes)
While we know that your potential buyer exists, somewhere out there, we have no idea who they are. We must make educated guesses as to what they will and won't like. By gaining a better understanding of how potential buyers view homes, we can prepare the most effective course of action to sell the house in the least amount of time and for the highest amount of money. It's pointless to even begin staging until we understand for whom we are staging. This presentation will enlighten and offer valuable tips on how to best prepare your listing for market. A must have for any seller or realtor.
HOME STAGING, LEVEL 1: How staging can make or break your sale. (60 minutes)
There is good staging and there is bad staging… like really bad staging. In an industry with no regulations, no standardized accreditation system, and tons of “hobbyist professionals”, one gets what one pays for. The problem here is not if your bargain basement stager will do a good job, rather the problem is if they’ll actually stop your house from selling, dead in its tracks.
Level Two Learning
CURRENT Buyer Trends
UNDERSTANDING BUYERS, LEVEL 2: What will buyers want next year? (60 Minutes)
Today’s buying demographic is different from tomorrow’s. What is the best way to reach tomorrow’s buyer? What amenities do they want? How does this generation differ from previous generations? Will you be ahead of the curve when they come knocking or will you still be building and selling homes that nobody but your grandma wants?
HOME STAGING, LEVEL 2: Ten steps to perfectly refresh a stale listing (60 minutes)
The time has come. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it, the market is slowing. With a slowing trend comes stale listings. Like a stale donut, nobody wants to buy a stale listing. So what is a successful broker like you to do? It's time to bust out Spade and Archer's secret ten-step recipe for making even the stalest, nastiest, tired, old listing look like the hottest house in town. We worked closely with the most successful real estate agents to find out the best (and worst) ways to revitalize a listing that seems to be going nowhere but down the price-drop shame spiral. This one-hour action packed seminar will give you the definitive answer on how to turn a dog into a supermodel.
Level Three Learning
UNDERSTANDING BUYERS, LEVEL 3: An in-depth exploration of how luxury buyers purchase homes (60 minutes)
This eye-opening presentation will rock your world and provide insight on how most real estate markets are not keeping up with the fast changing definition of luxury. From exploring the basic hierarchy of needs in housing, to understanding the differences of generational wealth, to the number one most sought after luxury amenity, this presentation has everything you need to anticipate your buyers' needs in the quickly expanding luxury market. If you are looking for a fresh and exciting presentation, this one is for you.
HOME STAGING, LEVEL 3: Persuading sellers to do the right thing, the first time (60 minutes)
We both know that this is not your first time selling a house. The question is, how do we properly convince your seller that your advice is worthwhile. This presentation will not only help you lead the horse to water, but also convince him to drink. CONVINCE is filled with inside tips collected from the best of the best. If you list properties for sale, bring a notebook; you're going to want to write this down.
Bonus Material
ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN: Know your housing styles (60 Minutes)
While many homes share similar traits, no two are exactly the same forever. Homes grow, adapt and change over time. They can eventually become an amalgamation of styles. How can a seasoned real estate professional keep track and determine the style of each home they list? This workshop will give you the confidence you need to accurately and consistently identify not only the main style of each home you encounter but also give you the background to comfortably discuss the style of the home with potential clients and colleagues alike. Click here to downloads notes from this class.
ENTREPRENEURIALISM: Creating resilience in your personal and business life. (60 minutes)
Sometimes bad markets happen to good agents. In this time of market volatility, we have a choice. Do we dwell on potential flops or do we look for opportunities? When Spade and Archer’s building burned to the ground on July 4, 2018, it became a chance to springboard the business into new markets and an entirely new business model. Are you a Flopportunist? What is the best way to identify and manage a Flopportunity in real estate? How could you use the threat of flopping to grow your business? This emotional, vulnerable, fast-paced presentation is like nothing your team has seen before.
Justin M. Riordan, LEED AP is the founder of Spade and Archer Design Agency, a home staging company with locations in Portland and Seattle. He is a thought leader and trendsetter in the real estate industry as well as the energy behind Spade and Archer, the world’s first guaranteed home stager.
Prior to opening Spade and Archer in 2009, Riordan practiced interior architecture and interior construction for twelve years, bringing a diverse background as well as a Bachelor of Architecture to the home staging industry. With more than two decades of hands-on project management and design experience, Riordan delivers an unmatched level of precision, expertise and service to his clients. In addition, Riordan is an accomplished and engaging speaker who regularly presents at real estate industry events, sharing his expertise about home staging.