Meet our Seattle Designer, Megan

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Hello! I’m Megan, one of Spade and Archer’s Designers. I work together with our dedicated team during the home staging process in preparation for homes to go live on Seattle’s thriving real estate market.

After completing my BFA in Photography at the University of Connecticut, I relocated to Seattle where I continue to follow my interests in the arts and all things aesthetic. I got my first exposure to home staging while working with Seattle real estate agents and photographers, quickly gaining interest in the fast-paced and creative environment.

 As a Designer, some of my responsibilities include assessing a home’s layout and determining the best composition of Spade and Archer’s unique collection of furniture and accessories to stage properties for tours, open houses, and real estate photography.

 I’ve always had a love for design and its diverse applications. As someone with a passion for puzzles and problem solving, the process of creating a warm and inviting home environment is endlessly captivating as there is no singular solution. However, the home staging process is simultaneously satisfying as there is always a conclusion in the end.

When I am not out staging Seattle’s next home for sale, I enjoy rock climbing at Snoqualmie Pass, art walks in Pioneer Square, and live music wherever I can get it!

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Meet our Seattle Designer, Haley

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Hi there! My name is Haley and I’m a Junior Designer at Spade and Archer Design Agency. I have always had an interest in design, but in school I felt like it wasn’t something that I could succeed at, so instead I pursued a degree in Psychology. After I graduated from Oregon State University, I worked for the OSU Extension Service remotely doing website design. However, it wasn’t something that kept my passion burning, so I decided to explore my options related to interior design. That is when I found out about home staging. One day I applied for a warehouse position at Spade and Archer and after a couple interviews, I got the job! I wasn’t necessarily working in design yet, as I was doing more of the heavy lifting, but I was so happy to be one step closer. 

A few months into the new job at Spade and Archer, we had a crazy day where one of the designers was suddenly no longer able to be apart of the team, so Dan, the Creative Director at the Seattle location and Justin, the founder and CEO, asked if I was up to playing the part of designer. They knew I was interested in design and I happily told them I would do my very best. It also helped that my fellow warehouse crew members graciously supported me as I tried to learn on the job. I’m not going to say it was easy to play this new role, and I’m still learning more as I go, but I have really enjoyed the journey so far.

At the warehouse, my job starts with picking out furniture to use in our home staging project for the day. Then I move on to picking out linens and pillows so I can get an idea of what colors I would like to use in each room. Then it’s on to art and accessories! Then it is time to load up and travel to the project for the day. At the stage my job is kind of like putting a puzzle together. We usually have most of the pieces, they all just need to work together to make something beautiful. It is so fun to see what comes together in the end. 

Seattle home staging is so unique because there are such an array of houses, condos, and apartments that we work in. I’ve been in historical buildings in Pioneer Square, new high rises, and even a houseboat! Each day brings something new.
The best part of it all is working with such fabulous people! The Seattle crew really welcomed me as a part of the team, and I count them all as friends. We like to play music and crack jokes while we work, and even on tough days we are still able to smile and laugh. Working in the home staging industry doesn’t always make for easy days, but seeing the staged home that our team worked really hard on is always a great reward.

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How to Define Success as a New Realtor with James Campbell

“I'm all about speaking things into existence. I've been in real estate for less than a year. I started in an October 2020, mid-pandemic. I realized that I didn't choose real estate real estate chose me after looking back. I grew up in Ellensburg, Washington, super small town. I grew up at the base of the foothills, like acres and acres away from other kids. So I spent a lot of time on my own. Wandering through the countryside on my bike, looking at properties, looking at fields. It sounds really boring, but I was so inspired by the landscape and just different people.

Going through school, going through different jobs, I realized that I had so many different interests, art, history, architecture, all of these things. I really struggled for a while trying to find my niche, trying to find the place where I thrive. I left Ellensburg when I was 20 after I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in school. I know that I wanted more exposure to just different things. So I moved to Seattle and I worked in customer service for quite a while. I worked with the four seasons hotel, Ethan Stowell restaurants while working on my BA in communications and marketing at the University of Washington.

I took my degree to a couple cubicles, one for a contract job at Amazon and was pigeonholed into doing one thing. I learned a lot from that, but I wanted so much more and I thought I'm cursed by my own curiosities. Having more time on my hands when the whole world shut down due to the pandemic, I finally started looking more into real estate. Local parks were closed, trails were closed, so you couldn't really do much of anything. So I hit the pavement, started looking at yard signs, you know, started looking at yard, arms and real estate agents that were representing amazing homes.

It's just like a light bulb went off. All of these things said, oh my gosh you can be involved in numbers and data and architecture and customer service, all of this stuff in real estate. So I started working on my license. A lot of friends were telling me, “You should get into real estate.” I just found excuses of being too busy to do the licensing. I had already done my homework with where I wanted to go, because I had been traipsing all about Seattle, looking at different listings from different companies and different brokers.

What drew me to Coldwell Banker Bain was their marketing. They had a reputation for education, it also felt like they had a community and they really lifted up the agents that work for them. I kept seeing their name everywher and after speaking to other friends who work at different companies, I got connected to Todd Shively at the Capitol Hill office. After a minute and a half of talking to him, it was solidified. There's something just like magnetic about that guy. He’s one of those folks that you want to be around just to absorb their energy and their knowledge. One thing about starting out as a newer agent is there are no classes on organizing your business, you have to learn as you go.

Real estate is very personal. It's very personal and sometimes things can be cruising along and the communication's there and then all of a sudden your client will feel the magnitude of the decision that they are about to make or involved in. There's so many things going through their head. That's why it's so important for me to be really organized. There is so much that comes in this first year where there's moments you’re drinking from the fire hose. There's just so much that we want to know, that we're expected to know, and that we work to know. Periodically get totally overwhelmed and wonder how am I ever going to know all this? Just have to stop and slow down.

I believe that you get further by holding the hands of others instead of just trying to run forward on your own. It's really easy to get overwhelmed. If you just communicate and ask the people for help, and it might not even be from the managing broker, it could be from anyone in my office. I'm lucky enough to work where everybody is willing to hold the other person's hand through something because they've been there too. It's about relationships, which is another thing that led me to Coldwell Banker Bain. It's always feels really good to get in front of a problem by asking questions before it comes a real problem.

I will feel like I've made it in real estate when I am a resource for others about real estate related things. When I am hyperactive in Washington and Seattle King County realtors. That is when I feel like I will made it because a lot of people put pressure on a number, wanting to sell or earn a specific dollar amount. The customer experience is typically not involved in those numbers. If I help people, the right thing will come to me, whether it be knowledge, income, or making the most for a seller or getting the best deal for a buyer. If I know how to you use every single tool in my toolbox, that's when I will feel like I have made it.

My best day in real estate was getting a condo under contract in the heart of Capitol Hill. This was during a time when Capitol hill, for many reasons, didn't seem to be the place that people wanted to flock to. It seemed like the place that people wanted to flee from in the summer of 2020. We're in the middle of COVID. We are in the middle of Black Lives Matter protests. We have a police department that is occupied by squatters. Everybody is angry and everybody's mad and everybody is fleeing Capitol Hill at this point. Yes. And not only that there's people that just want more space and a lot of people didn't want to flock into a shared space like a condo because people were worried about COVID. We got under contract in less than two weeks of being on the market. I love the area. I love Capitol hill. I love all of Seattle. And I think that if that transfers through the listing, there are ways that you can tell people this place is wonderful. This place is your home.”

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Meet our Portland Designer, Sarah!

After graduating from Winthrop University in 2015 I moved to Portland for an art residency. I’d always wanted to live in the Pacific Northwest so when the opportunity came, I couldn’t turn it down. I packed my car and moved 3000 miles from my small southern town to a city where I didn’t know anybody. By the time my residency had ended a year later, I had fallen in love with Oregon and decided I didn’t want to leave. I spent the next several years working for a ceramics production company, and a local glass company. I came to a point in my life where I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do, being especially focused on my career.  Then, like many people, my life was completely disrupted when covid hit. In a lot of ways it was very difficult, but in other ways it was the perfect timing for me to really dedicate some thought to my future. Applying for jobs during quarantine wasn’t easy, but when I found the ad for the Junior Designer position at Spade and Archer I was completely ecstatic. It was exactly what I was looking for without even knowing it. I love the fast paced environment of working on a different project every day. Each house is a new puzzle and watching it come together at the end of the day is so rewarding. I had worked with interior designers in the past, creating commissions for projects they were working on and had always thought it would be a fun job. I love problem solving and all of the challenges that it presents. After being here for two months, I’ve really come to appreciate the work environment and the support that comes from a really great team of coworkers.


In my free time I can most likely be found exploring outside somewhere. I love being in nature and I love riding my bike so being on the trails and quiet gravel roads in the forest is the happiest place I could imagine. My competitive nature led me to racing, so I spend my summers and fall participating in mountain bike and cyclocross races. Much like my job at Spade and Archer, racing on bikes is all about fast paced problem solving. I love pushing myself past where I ever thought I could go, physically and mentally. I also love all of the places my bike can take me that I would never be able to go otherwise. If I’m riding, then I’m out camping or on a hike somewhere. I take advantage of the pacific northwest summers by being outside as much as possible, so when winter kicks in and it starts raining, I like to hunker down in my studio and start making work. My focus is on ceramics and photography, but when it comes down to it, I’m just happy working on anything that keeps my hands busy and the creative juices flowing!

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How to succeed long term in real estate with marcia dunkin

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Justin asks, “What has kept you going in this industry? There’s been so many ups and so many downs and you’re still doing it.”

To which Marcia responds, “Ups, downs, sideways. I’d like to say that I’ve seen it all, but honestly after 25 years, what keeps me going is that I haven’t seen it all. There’s always something to learn, there’s always something to do. Every transaction is different. Homes are different. Technology is changing at warp speed while I love some of the structure of the forms and processes. The change is what keeps me engaged. The change is what I love. It doesn’t get old. I absolutely love what I do.”

Folks that love this business are like Marcia in that they love the fact that all of their days are different. They love the fact that there’s always a new challenge and a new shift. When talking about all the shifts that have happened over the years, inevitably there are processes and habits that will need to be dropped to make way for the new. Technology has been really beneficial in the real estate industry in terms of streamlining things which also means that old processes now move at warp speed making it hard for agents to sustain that pace. Missing the old days before even the Northwest MLS was online. Moving at a slower pace allowed agents to truly connect with all people, clients and vendors alike. Now everyone wants to complete everything online, losing that bit of connection. That’s the way of the world so all we can do is embrace the change and adapt accordingly.

Justin: “As a veteran agent, how do you help your clients feel like they are in control of the wild beast that is selling or buying a house?”

Marcia: “It’s kind of a cliche, control is an illusion. It doesn’t really exist. To that extent, you have to focus on what you do have control over. What I really encourage my clients to do is to prepare and plan. Educating them about where the market it, what the processes are, what the normal steps are, and then what the stumbling blocks around those things are. The more you are prepared, the more you’ve talked about and planned for certain contingencies. The more control you will feel in a situation that is beyond anyones control. We don’t control the market or the interest rates. We don’t control the inventory to some extent. Focusing on what you do have control over will set you up for a better experience in that process.”

We almost never have control over what the buyer or the seller is doing, though we do have control over how we’re reacting to them or being proactive with them. People really want to exert control over everything around them, and with an unbalanced market the less control there really is. Sellers are in a situation currently where they are selling a home without knowing where they are going next, leaving a lot of fear of the unknown. Many clients have chosen not to sell because they’re getting priced out of their current neighborhoods, so if they decided to sell they could never afford to buy back. Buyers currently have a lot of stress in terms of competing with other would-be buyers. They are being asked to stretch financially for something that they don’t love, and will most likely want to renovate in some way as soon as they buy. Lack of inventory, lack of choice.

Marcia: ”One of the biggest lessons I have learned lately is that I can’t want it more than my clients.”

Justin: “Give me an example of what that looks like.”

Marcia: “I have to be able to educate and guide and let them decide. Once they’ve made their decision, it is my job to do it the way they want to the best of my ability all while being professional. If it’s deciding on how to price their home, or how much money they’re willing to offer over asking, they will always have the final say. I want to do it in a caring, compassionate way that makes them feel comfortable.”

Another aspect of control that an agent has, is the type of clients that they choose to work with which is a very powerful position to be in. Not every client is a good client and you can say no, and that will free you up to say yes to something that’s beneficial for everybody. You don’t have to stick with somebody who’s unrealistic, who is going to waste your time and not be successful. If you feel like you can fire a client and move on, it’s the best thing that you can do for yourself and for the would-be buyer or would-be seller. Lastly, it is much better to do it sooner rather than later, because later you’ll have more time, effort, emotion and energy invested into it. If something feels off and that it’s not a good fit in the beginning, it is okay to say, “I don’t think this is going to work out for us” and give them a referral of someone who might if you can.

Red flags can be your best friend. When you’re in your third or fourth transaction they can be hard to spot and easy to ignore, though when you’re on your hundredth transaction you’ll start to recognize those patterns. We can be warned in advance, but in the end we end up having to learn that lesson ourselves.

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