Let's talk millennials and home buying. With millennials currently being the largest buying demographic out there how has communication changed? My name is Bella, I am Spade and Archer’s Client Service Specialist, and I am a millennial. I am also a second time home buyer who bought a home in this ridiculously competitive market.
Bella Rubio is the voice on the other end of the line when you call Spade and Archer.
Millennials have grown up in an era of technology that has streamlined many things in our day to day lives and changed the way we communicate. While we grew up with Gen X teaching us to be respectful, educated and thoughtful in our interactions we have taken these values and made them our own.
We know how to present ourselves in a formal and polite manner. We have had to do so while we compete to get into the best colleges and land our next dream job. We have inherited the ability to present ourselves in a matter that older generations deem ’socially acceptable’. And while we have the ability to communicate this way, when needed, it isn’t always our preferred method of communication. We have big dreams and little time and we know it. We have a fire lit to be the best and do the most. And sometimes formalities get in the way of that. We enjoy being casual and straight to the point. We don’t need the fluff in every conversation, rather the take away.
The experience of buying an out of state home was nothing short of a miracle. The excessive amount of Facetime calls, DocuSigns and online interactions were nearly overwhelming. As a millennial, I understood the processes and I appreciated the promptness they provided. My real estate agent is a Gen X and while she had her strengths the way we communicated was evidently different. She gave a longer message that could have been a couple sentences or the occasional call that could have been a quick text. While I trusted her (and am eternally grateful for her) we each approached an interaction in a different way.
Communication can be tricky regardless of generation. There’s what I say. What I think I said. What you heard. What you say. What you think you said. And what I heard. Now while all millennials aren’t the same, we can agree the way we communicate is different from other generations. Weather we have social media, iPhones or the internet to thank for this we are here for it. So, pull up a chair and listen up as millennials buy homes and raise families. How will communication from one generation to the next continue to transform?
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