Everyone has the friend they know they can go to for a straight-up answer and a true conversation. At Spade and Archer, that friend is the team at Get Happy at Home. They're headed up by the dynamic duo of Matt Miner and Ian Gordon of Coldwell Banker Bain in Seattle, WA. Without them, we wonder if we would have even made it through the first wave of the Covid pandemic! Our working relationship is filled with more than just business as Matt and Ian come with not only true attention, strong vision, and a will to "make it right," but also a sense of humor that will get you through just about anything. In this latest episode of Behind the Yard Sign, we welcomed all of those things into our conversation with them as always.
Matt Miner and Ian Gordon join Justin Riordan and Kelly Hanahan of Spade and Archer to talk about their successful listing process at Get Happy at Home in Seattle.
Matt and Ian are some of the most dedicated and passionate real estate agents that we know. They approach every Seattle listing and every client with the same valuable intentions and know that to make the experience worthwhile for everyone involved, everyone deserves to be treated well. This of course also applies to all the people that make the listing process work, too! Landscapers, painters, photographers, marketing staff, assistants, cleaners, home stagers... there are clearly many people that make a real estate community function, and Matt and Ian are extremely aware that no one is more important than the other. Their way of maintaining positive relationships and holding each other up within a buying or selling process has launched great success and growth, which of course, we as a vendor are always grateful.
Seattle’s Get Happy at Home always helps their sellers create strong listings by home staging and using other vendors to make the property shine online.
There are a ton of steps that agents can do to promote their listings, businesses, and brands. Get Happy sets an impressive tone for what is possible and they are not afraid to commit to each phase of their process and meet every need that comes their way. That said, they also know what works and develop an action plan for their listings to get things moving. Listening and understanding their market and the audience of buyers within, their team set a course for transforming their many listings from a personal, individualized home to a blank yet exciting slate that just about anyone can relate to. What's impressive is their ability to also know how to make this transformative process understandable to their sellers!
Get Happy’s process works! This Magnolia home went pending in seven days after listing!
Matt and Ian, with their authentic and honest communication style, make the process relatable for their sellers to understand and therefore are given complete trust. Ian brings it home, stating, "Our only known form of communication is heavy humor and sarcasm. And so I think if we bring the data and we bring the knowledge and then we package it in this cute, sort of hilarious, funny way, it's also pretty disarming for people... and there's an inherent trust that kind of builds off of that."
To expand upon their honest and authentic process, the two have worked tirelessly to generate a strong social media and web presence that mirrors their dedications and principles in the field, keeping it relative to what they know and to what they can live up to on a daily basis. "We want to model our marketing and our branding around the people that we want to work with too," adds Matt. They've developed an entity, both in-person and online, that caters mutually to the underlying needs of their clients and contractors. This way, they indirectly identify the people that they get along with and the people that will accept them for who they are. To Matt and Ian, it only makes sense that they accept those people as well.
Get Happy makes sure a potential buyer knows how to use every single space in a home by staging to every feature and functionality of the property.
In being unapologetically true to themselves while understanding the value of being kind and positive, the two have been able to carry their business a tremendous distance. After settling into their strong, energized presence, you quickly come to find that they are coming to you with a wealth of knowledge and ready to roll up their sleeves to strategize. "I think that if you do right by people, you put their interests at least equal if not greater than yours," Matt explains. His distaste for sales helped create a direct structure of working and communicating within his business. When asked about their secret sauce of success, Matt confides that he's very open and leaves it to his clients. "I don't tell them what to do. I never tell anyone what to do. I'm just consulting." It's a hands-off approach with inherent loyalty that is also coming from sincere experience. He continues, “it's a matter of showing a client what the potential earning looks like and then being correct."
All in all, the team at Get Happy at Home just want their clients and the people they include in their process to be… happy! Beyond the dedicated level of service and lively transparency, the team shines as a solid example of an honorable real estate group. Matt and Ian want great things for their clients and industry partners, but what's incredible is their ability to look beyond and aim higher. In reflection of what could really hold a business back, Matt instructs to "use your powers for good, and don't ever betray that trust between you and your client. Because if you do, your business will fail and you will fail and you won't have the esteem or integrity to stand upon that you need."
Want to work with this magical duo and their team at Get Happy? Or maybe you want to learn more through following them through their endless amount of blogs or on social media? Check 'em out at gethappyathome.com. Trust us, it'll be a very fun time!